- by Kylee Ego -

Kylee Ego wearing academic regalia

The time of my senior-themed blog posts are over. I officially graduated from Naz on Saturday May 13, 2023, with a bachelor of arts in communication & media, with minors in digital marketing and psychology. My graduating class even made the history books as the last graduates of the College, as Nazareth officially becomes Nazareth University on June 1.

The entire day was bittersweet. I was so excited to finally see all my hard work come to an apex and be celebrated. It filled me with joy! But wow was I absolutely terrified as I sat in that seat waiting for my row to stand up, walk in line to the side of the stage, and patiently wait to hear our names called. My heart was beating out of my chest. I still have no idea why I was so nervous. Maybe because I hadn’t graduated since high school, 4 years back. Definitely because the whole day was a learning process in and of itself. Fun fact, there is no graduation rehearsal. Everyone shows you what to do as it’s happening, so you’re basically copying the person in front of you! That can be worrisome for someone like me. Telling myself, “Okay they did that thing that way, is that what I’m supposed to do too?” or “Wait, they did that. Okay, what’s next?”

What’s next? Facebook comments. Instagram DMs. Dad’s question at dinner. The day quickly came to a close after laughs were shared and food was eaten but one thing lingered all night and into the next day after the chaos was over and the celebration subsided. What are we doing next? Next for me is more school. I’m not quite done with Naz yet. I also changed my path because that’s okay! I’m headed to the master’s in social work program to specialize in evidence-based practice in mental health. Advocating for mental health programs and resources has always been a passion of mine and I decided it was time to lean into it.

However, going back to school isn’t what’s necessarily next for all of us. Some have already found jobs — which they’re going to do great at if they have a Naz education, some part of me just knows! Others are taking a break, which I don’t blame them for. (I’m exhausted!) And there are those who don’t know. And that’s okay. Sometimes life doesn’t need to be about knowing what comes after everything. Things can just happen as they are. We can enjoy them, relish in the moments of their happening and take what the future gives us afterward. I have so much hope for those who don’t know and find the courage to say they’re not sure. There are so many uncertainties in life; it’s normal and undervalued to say with confidence that you don’t know what’s next. Because truly, do we always know what’s next in life? Is the point to always, 100% of the time, have a plan?

“Sometimes life will take you in a different direction that you did not plan and did not picture, but you’ll never know where that will lead if you let a short-term setback hold you back. Rise up and find your glory.” – Anne McCaffrey, the 2023 commencement speaker from the Class of 1989.