- by Emma Maskell -

Emma Maskell and friends in the stands at Golden Flyer Stadium

College can be a very stressful time. You are juggling numerous things, from classes to maintaining social relationships and much more! It’s critical to remember to take care of yourself, especially during the semester. Here are some things that help me destress and will maybe help you too!

Watching a favorite movie or TV show
Something that helps me when I am stressed out is watching something that I know I like. For me, it would be watching Bob’s Burgers or Dirty Dancing. You could ask my roommate the number of times that we’ve seen Bob’s Burgers, and that number would be too high to reveal!

Taking advantage of campus resources
Nazareth has many events geared towards destressing, from relaxation night to midnight breakfast! These events are held near the end of each semester and both are geared towards helping students relax before the stressful time of finals week. There are also the resources that come from Health and Counseling!

Spending time with people that you enjoy
Being with people you enjoy spending time with can be an instant stress reliever. You could do anything with them from watching a movie, or going on a walk! Here is a picture of my friends and me after we went on a random walk to the stadium after dinner!

Taking a walk
Nazareth has a beautiful campus. We have nature surrounding us from every side. Take a stroll to the fountain! Go to the backside of GAC to do the labyrinth walk! There are so many beautiful and relaxing places on campus to walk to.

Visiting a new place
Nazareth is located in the town of Pittsford and there is so much to see and do! You could take a walk down to the canal or go down to the Pittsford Plaza for some retail therapy! Going somewhere new and different could let your mind take the break that it needs to destress!