- by Emma Maskell -

four students in their dorm room laughing

It can be hard to share a room with someone you just met! Here are some tips on how to create a good relationship with your new roommate.

Have Open Communication
It is so important to have clear and open communication with your roommate as this is the person you are going to be living with in close quarters for quite some time. If you make sure that what you want to communicate is clear and honest, it is less likely for something to be lost in the mix or miscommunicated. You want to be able to talk about things with your roommate if something is bothering you. Addressing issues quickly can help to ensure that disagreements don’t become larger.

Be Honest in Your Roommate Agreement
At the start of the semester, your RA will have you and your roommate(s) complete a form that talks about the expectations for your room. In this agreement, there are several questions that relate to what life is like sharing a space with another person and important things to consider. For example, there is one that asks about people sleeping over or studying in the room. It is so important to be completely honest and have what might be awkward conversations about the roommate agreement.

Respect Each Other’s Space and Belongings
Make sure you realize that sometimes everyone is going to need alone time! It is so important to respect each other’s space. Try not to touch each other’s belongings without asking. Imagine if someone touched one of your personal belongings and something happened to it. It goes back to the rule of treating people the way you want to be treated!

Realize That You Might Not Be the Best of Friends
I feel everyone that I know went into their freshman year and imagined that they were going to become the best of friends with their roommate(s). While that does happen for some people, there is a chance that you and your roommate won’t become best friends. And I want you to know that if that’s the case, you will be okay. I think that living with someone you are not incredibly close to can be good because you can have some distance and you won’t always be on top of each other. You can find your own hobbies and also meet friends in other places. While you may not be besties, it’s important to remember you can still try to be friendly, share a space, and hope for the best for each other.

Have Fun!
It is exciting to be starting this new chapter with someone! Remember to have fun! I can remember having movie nights with my first year roommate. We would tell each other about our day and share details that may seem little but were big in bringing us together Doing things like this and making time for one another can help you become more comfortable.