- by Kylee Ego -

table covered with Halloween-themed food decoration ingredients

One thing is for sure, if there is a popular event on campus it definitely has food! Don’t want to go to one of the activities alone? Tell one of your friends that they’re likely to get a free bite to eat, and I’m sure you’ll have someone to go with. As someone who has done her undergrad here and is starting their graduate degree here, I still attend these events and almost always meet new people! Let’s look at what some of these on campus events have to offer.

Coffee Cup Connections
This event created by Health and Counseling is for anyone who wants to broaden their social circle and have something to sip on while doing it! It happens during the lunch hour on most Fridays during the semester and involves making new friends and having coffee. This event welcomes more attendees; neurodivergent and neurotypical students are always welcome! Check it out from 12:10-1:10 p.m. in Health and Counseling on Fridays!

Pups & Popcorn, OSS Dogs & Donuts
I couldn’t forget some of our food events where you don’t get to socialize with just people, but dogs, too! Our on-campus therapy dogs — Rosie, Orion, and Tilly — love to host IPAW events that involve a little treat. These events are incredibly rejuvenating because sometimes we all just need to see a wagging tail and know that someone is just as happy to see us as we are to see them. Everyone who’s part of IPAW is so friendly and welcoming. I highly recommend attending one of these events if you’re looking for a friend or a furry friend!

Shake it up with Milkshakes, Pizza for National Cheese Pizza Day, or Sand-witches for Halloween!
It could be a student club, an on-campus organization, or a residential life-sponsored event that offers you goodies. My favorite is when it gets close to finals and we’re all up late studying and someone on campus has insomnia cookies at their event! My friends and I always found a way to make time to get there and have an ooey gooey warm cookie amidst the chaos.

Weekly Halaqa and Meal sponsored by the Nazareth University Muslim Student Association
Throughout the semester, the NazMSA hosts a halal meal on Thursday evenings, 4:30-5:30 p.m. A halal meal contains food or products that are prepared and handled according to specific Islamic standards. These meals have been a great place for Muslim students and other students to come together and share a different type of cuisine. They host this event in George Hall across from Colie’s and encourage anyone to come and bring friends.