- by Emma Maskell -

Emma Maskell and friends celebrating at a campus event

Dear Freshman Self,

It is hard to believe that you are graduating college. It feels like just yesterday that you were moving into the Lourdes dorm building, room 205. You had no idea how much that room would mean to you. Also how much O’Connor Complex 2 room 410 and the Portka Apartments would come to mean to you. All of these places have become your home on campus and hold a special place in your heart. All of those rooms created a place that has been filled with memories and laughter. I was scrolling through my camera roll recently and found a picture I had taken to remind myself to make my deposit to Naz. It is such a great memory to look back on now and see that it was such a great choice that has altered my life for the better.

When you first came to Naz you were so scared You were nervous that you made the wrong choice but you quickly realized that it was the best decision that you could have ever made. Naz became your home.

I want you to know that you did so many things during your time at Naz. You became more involved than you ever thought you would be. You took so many chances that led to such amazing opportunities. You decided to become a social work major after being undecided for a semester. You picked up a sociology minor after two amazing courses. You decided to study abroad and go to England and Northern Ireland, an experience that you wouldn’t trade for the world! You became close with the faculty. You made a spur of the moment decision to become a senator for the class of 2024 and are grateful for the opening! You became a better and stronger person than you could ever imagine.

I know how scary it is taking that first step into college but you did it! You survived and more than that, you thrived! You developed some of the closest friendships that you’ve ever had. You have done things that you couldn’t have imagined doing when you first came to Naz. You were a part of the historic transformation from college to university.

Remember to take a breath and enjoy the little moments. I never expected these four years to fly by so fast. Take hold of the time you have with your friends and make the best of it! Make those late night Wegmans runs, go to Five Below to get random dorm things that you don’t actually need but inevitably end up getting! Do whatever makes you happy and thrive! Go to those job fairs, make connections, and take a chance every time you can. Go to those events on campus like Midnight Breakfast and even get involved! Those are going to be some of the memories that you cherish the most. Live in the moment and remember that you’ll always be a Golden Flyer.

