By Katie Oechsle 

By July before my freshman year, I was eager for any information on what to expect at move-in and orientation. I scoured the schedule online and looked for any information to help me prepare for this transition. And before I go any further, here is the Orientation Schedule; you’ll thank me later. 

All over Google and social media, there are videos and articles about navigating your first few days of college. These are great for the general experience of college and could give you some insight into how other schools operate. But I am here to give you the top 10 things I wish someone had told me before move-in & orientation here at Naz. 

1. You are going to be warm & on the move. Dress accordingly. 

This isn’t to scare you or make you question your wardrobe. But move-in day is not the time for jeans or to debut a cute new top. Moving furniture and walking to all of the events of the day will have you wishing for your shorts and T-shirts. 

2. Be prepared to be unpacking for the next several days. 

With all the excitement and decision making that goes into your first few days of college, you are not gonna know where to put everything immediately. Especially if you have a roommate or two to consider. 

3. Have your essentials easily accessible. 

This goes hand in hand with tip #2. With most of your stuff packed and now in a new place, it’s nice to be able to locate your toothbrush, medications, chargers, electronics, wallet, etc. easily. 

4. Get your Naz ID Card ASAP. 

Within your first day or two, I highly recommend going down to Campus Safety (located in the basement of the Shults building by the bookstore) and getting your NazCard ID. You will need it to access your dorm building and enter the Dining Commons, and it really makes this whole thing feel official! You can email your photo in advance to Campus Safety (with a photo or scan of your driver's license or high school ID), to have a photo you choose used on your ID. Or Campus Safety will take a photo of you. 

5. Arrive early. 

Move-in day is hectic, exciting, and maybe a little confusing. But most issues can be avoided by arriving at your scheduled time slot on move-in day and arriving at events early. This gives you plenty of time to get a little lost and ask questions without the added stress of running behind. 

6. Do not hesitate to ask your Orientation Leaders any questions. 

Orientation Leaders are Naz students who are particularly knowledgeable about campus and campus life. They know where things are, how certain things work, and have gone through this themselves! They are there to help you, and if they don’t have an answer, they know how to find one. 

7. Embrace the awkwardness. 

Throughout the first few days, you will find yourself in unfamiliar situations and with unfamiliar people. This leads to things being kind of uncomfortable, but it’s OK. Give yourself the space to be yourself and lean into the awkward! 

8. Bask in the candlelight. 

On your very first night here at Nazareth you will participate in New Student Convocation (it's like a reverse graduation). It may seem a little odd at first since you’ll probably be pretty tired, but it was definitely my favorite event from my first day. A little tip within the tip: bring bug spray. 

9. Scope out your classes. 

At some point during Orientation, find some time to go find your classrooms. Take your class schedule and a campus map and make a little adventure of finding where your classes will be come Monday. Tip: You can see floor maps with room numbers for academic buildings in the online map, This will help you get a better idea of where things are on campus and help reduce stress on your first day! 

10. Remember you are all in the same boat. 

The first few days may be a little tough. You might be homesick or nervous about classes. Just know that everyone you meet will feel the same way. I can assure you that it does get better — and fast. And truth be told, I was too busy to be homesick.