- by Olivia Quattrociocchi -

ornate building in Valencia, Spain

The fall semester of 2022 I was able to study abroad in Valencia, Spain. I loved my experience studying abroad. I got to live with a host family, experience a new culture, language, food, and make great memories I will remember forever. Here are three things that I gained from studying abroad:

Before studying abroad, I would have considered myself to be a high stress individual with a type ‘A’ personality. I was the person that handed in their assignments a week ahead of time, I had to be 20 minutes early for class, and I had a regimented daily routine. After going abroad, I realized that these things can be good, but in moderation. Now I know it is okay to take some time for yourself, take a moment to be aware of your surroundings, actually say hello to the people around you, and just be calm. The culture in Spain is much more laid back. People take their time going from place to place and enjoy life. Although this may be in part due to the persistent blue skies and always sunny weather in Valencia, as I lived there for four months, I learned that it’s okay to enjoy the present moment instead of constantly worrying about the next thing that has to be done, because in reality, all we have is the present.

Open mindedness
Before studying abroad, I hadn’t traveled much outside of the country, so my eyes were opened when I got to experience a new environment in Valencia. Throughout my whole study abroad program, but especially in the first two weeks, I remember feeling like an abundance of new information was pouring into my brain. In my host family, I lived with roommates from many different countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, France and Italy. I loved hearing about where they grew up, what their homes and families were like, and how their lives, values, and cultures were different or similar to mine back in the United States. I loved being surrounded by different languages in school and meeting so many interesting people. I miss my friends a lot from Valencia, but I am very grateful I am still able to keep in contact with them today.

Another aspect of life that I gained a greater appreciation for after studying abroad is joy. When first moving to Valencia for the semester, I was overwhelmed with all of the new changes that were happening around me, such as a new language, new people, new foods, a new university, and a new city environment. Thinking about all the changes that were happening at once became extremely overwhelming and hard to process, so I started to focus on the little things that made me feel joyful. Some of these included saying good morning and good night to my host family everyday, having coffee with a new friend I had met in class, walking to school in the morning with the sun shining, learning a new word to say in Spanish, traveling to a new city, or even when someone on the bus gave me a new mask to use when mine had broken. Focusing on these little things helped me shift my perspective that life doesn’t need to be so overwhelming and scary. It’s great to have joy.

Overall, I loved the experiences I had, the people I got to meet, and the lessons I learned from my semester abroad. I now feel more comfortable being uncomfortable, and I am very thankful for the time I got to spend in Valencia, Spain.