- by McLain Hunter -

McLain Hunter

What made me realize that I wanted to transfer to Nazareth was how happy I was after I came out of every meeting and experience I had with the school. When I met the students of my intended major (musical theatre and a minor in contemporary commercial music), they immediately went out of their way to make sure that I felt comfortable in the space and same with the teachers! I’m also hoping to get a second minor in marketing if I can fit it in after my music minor is done.

One of my aspirations is to perform in the entertainment business as an actress and recording artist, while building a fashion marketing company dedicated to helping shoppers online find better clothes that fit them and their unique physical features, essentially an electronic personalized stylist. I think Nazareth is the perfect place for me to be and I’m glad that I took the chance to transfer over. Overall, the atmosphere is so welcoming here compared to the other school that I had gone to previously. I can see myself graduating from this school which is something I couldn’t say about my last school. I think that this is one of the best choices I have ever made for myself. If you’re looking to transfer to Nazareth, here is more information!