- by Emma Maskell -

Emma Maskell and friends sitting by a fountain

Everyone has that spot on campus that feels like home to them. It might be their dorm room or maybe a certain lounge. The spot on campus that means the most to me is the fountain. There are numerous reasons as to why the fountain is my haven on campus. I have this running joke that all the TikToks that I make for Naz are fountain related!

My hometown is surrounded by water. I have lived by a body of water my entire life. I have always been able to walk across the street and relax by the water. The fountain runs on a very long timer, resulting in this very calming white noise. The fountain offers the connection to water that I love.

Self Care
During my tour of Nazareth I instantly connected with the fountain. It is this gorgeous, serene spot on campus. Whenever I am in need of some self care I come to the fountain. I bring a book that I am reading and just sit for hours. It really has become this spot that I can come to whenever something is happening in life that I may need a break from. There are times that I come here to call my family members and fill them in on what is going on. No matter what is happening I know that the fountain is there to make me feel better and more connected.

Campus life
At the fountain there are numerous options for seating. There are layers of grass stairs that provide a great spot to relax. If you are looking for a different option there are also picnic tables very close to the fountain. There are a variety of seating options and you can choose whichever you prefer. The fountain has become a place for me and my friends to connect and have fun. I can remember countless times that we have all texted each other to meet at the fountain. There is also Wi-Fi that allows students to do homework while being outside and soaking up the sun. I can remember the sadness that I felt when the fountain closed for the winter. But there wasn’t too much to worry about as the fountain always comes back on in the spring semester. This is just in time for the warm weather and to reconnect with everything that Nazareth has to offer outdoors.