- by Emma Maskell -

Emma Maskell and friends on platform 9 3/4

I can remember being so nervous about finding the perfect college for me. Reflecting back on my experience, as I head into my senior year, these are the reasons that I picked Naz!

The Community
When I came onto the Nazareth campus I had that cliche feeling of knowing that I was meant to be there. I toured campus when there were restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and things were different. Yet walking around campus, it felt like home. There were so many friendly faces and everyone was so kind. It is so important to feel that you are at home on your campus.

Academic Programs
During my college search I was an undeclared major. This was absolutely something that had an impact on which college was the best choice for me. Nazareth’s Undeclared: Open Path program — for students who are undecided on what they want to major in — helps you along the way, giving you opportunities to explore what you want to do. I chose social work, and I have been absolutely amazed by the program.

Therapy Dogs
It is no secret that Nazareth has some of the cutest therapy dogs on campus. I have four dogs of my own whom I love very much and was quite sad to leave to go to college. When I learned that there were therapy dogs on campus, it was a game changer! Especially when Rosie is the same breed as my dog Griffin!

Study Abroad Programs & the SPARK Grant
The SPARK grant is available to all Nazareth students! It is a $1,500 grant that can be used for study abroad, an unpaid internship, or research. I have always wanted to study abroad. With the SPARK Grant available, I knew that it could help me make that dream come true. I have now had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in England and Northern Ireland. I would not trade these experiences for the world!